SYNCING is a movement film created by Camryn Eakes and MarieElena Martingano. Created in response to lockdown, the film touches on desperation, hope, dissatisfaction and relief that has come with creating a less than whole community. It explores embodying the feeling of attempting to replicate a communal experience, visually, in our current climate. It highlights the illusion of a virtual community, it emphasizes the image of almost connecting but never actually coming in contact or receiving the satisfaction of meeting. It's inspired by community patterns and efforts.
Choreography and performance: Camryn Eakes and MarieElena Martingano
Director of Photography and Colorist: Seannie Bryan
Music and Sound Design: Danny Hynds
Boiling Mind
Boiling Mind is an on-going research project which aims to explore the possibility of sharing the experience of contemporary dance in a multimodal approach. The physiological data of the audience is used to manipulate and create new dialogues between the performers and the spectators. I am in charge of developing the responsive musical architecture of a number of performances featuring the dance groups Mademoiselle Cinema, BUSHMAN, and Mitsutake Kasai.